Manchester City will be a serious contender for the title, but the Reds have the advantage of experience and a good lineup.
The Premier League table is always a good indicator of the strength of the teams. The last time the two teams met was in the League Cup final, where Liverpool won with a score of 3-1.
This time, the Citizens will be more motivated, because they have already won the Champions League. The main goal of the team is to win the Premier League again.
The Champions League is the most prestigious club tournament in the world, which is why Liverpool is so confident. The Reds have a good squad, which can be strengthened in any way.
Liverpool’s Prospects
Liverpool is one of the main contenders for the champion title. The team has a good selection of players, which allows it to play a good game. The problem is that the team has not won the title for a long time.
In the last season, the Reds lost to Manchester United in the final. The previous season, they lost to Chelsea, but this time they will be stronger than their rivals.
Despite the fact that the club is not in the Champions league, it has a decent squad, so it can be called a contender for gold medals.
It is worth noting that the Reds are the only team in the Premier league that has a balanced lineup. This is very important for them, because the team needs to play with a certain level.
At the moment, the team’ll be very active, because it has not played for a while. The matches against Manchester City will decide the fate of the champion.
Live Results of Manchester City Games
The Citizens have a busy schedule ahead, because in the next games they will play against:
• Manchester United;
•2 Liverpool;
3 Chelsea.
If the team wins, it will be able to get into the Champions Cup zone, but if it loses, it won’t be able even to enter the Europa League.
All the matches of the Citizens are available on the website of sports statistics. Here, you can find the results of the matches, as well as the schedule of upcoming games.
You can always find the latest information about the team on the sports statistics website. It is easy to do this, because you just need to choose the team and the game you want to follow.
Manchester United vs. Chelsea
The previous season was not a good one for the Citizens. The club lost to United in both the Champions and League finals. The players of the Red Devils were not in their best shape, so they could not play well.
However, the club has a new coach, who has already managed to improve the situation.
Jose Mourinho has a great lineup, which the team can use to its advantage. The Portuguese has managed to bring the team to the Champions final, and he has also managed to get the club into the Europa league zone.
Chelsea has a pretty good lineup, too. The squad of the Blues is quite balanced, which allowed it to win both the League and the FA Cup.
After the defeat of Manchester United, the Blues will have a tough task. The Red Devils are much stronger than the Blues, so the team will have to play against it.
Will Mourinho’s Team Win?
The team of Mourinho is very confident, which will help it to achieve its goals. The Mourinho players are ready to do their best, which has allowed them to win all the trophies they have won.
Many people are not convinced by the fact, that the players of Mourinho are not the best in the league. However, the results are not in doubt, because Chelsea has a very good lineup and a strong coach.
Thus, the Red devils are the main contender for winning the champion trophy, but they have a long way to go.
Main Intrigues of the Next Match
The next match will be very important, because if the team does not win, it may not enter the Champions cup zone. The Blues have a pretty strong lineup, but it is not always the best.
For example, the squad of Mourinho can be compared to the one of Manchester united. The first team of Jose Mourinho is a great team, but its players have a tendency to lose points.
Such a problem can be solved by the use of the players who are not so confident, but are ready for any match.
Team’ s Prospects in the Next Games
In order to achieve the desired result, the Mourinho team needs a good start. The next games will be decisive, because even if the Blues lose, they can still get into a higher zone of the standings.
Another thing that the Mourinho players need to do is to improve their results. They need to play better and win more often.
Of course, they cannot do this alone, but Mourinho’ team has the potential to become a great club in the future. The current season has shown that the Red Devil’ players are able to play at a high level. This will allow them to achieve their goals.
Follow the results and the schedule on the site of sports statistical. Here you will find the most reliable information, which you can trust.